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120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫

服务内容:120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫

简介:120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫 Rubber damping pad of 120*120*20 rubber cushion air compressor 上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:120*120*20橡胶减震垫信息,淞江集团为空压机推荐......

120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫
Rubber damping pad of 120*120*20 rubber cushion air compressor

Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website for your introduction: 120*120*20 rubber shock pad, Songjiang group for air compressor recommended rubber shock pad product, the product is simple and convenient installation, low cost, industrial air compressor damping requirements is not high can choose to use.

120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫
The characteristics of rubber cushions are both high elasticity and high viscosity. The elasticity of rubber is caused by the change of its conformational conformation. The interaction between rubber molecules will impede the movement of molecular chains, thus exhibiting the characteristics of viscous damping, so that stress and strain are often in an unbalanced state.120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫

The SD rubber cushion product produced by Songjiang group is produced by high quality natural rubber NR and has good elasticity and makes a certain contribution to the shock absorption of industrial plant.120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫


SD type rubber shock pad is made of high quality rubber as the material, there is a circular depression, corrugated hollow shear. In general, shear force, has low natural frequency, simple structure, easy to use. In order to improve the damping effect of the damping pad for two layer, three layer, four layer series. Suitable for water pump, fan, compressor, chiller, diesel and other mechanical equipment of negative damping.120*120*20橡胶减震垫 空压机橡胶减震垫

Characteristics and use of products
The SD rubber  shock absorber is manufactured by vulcanization using oil resistant rubber and stretch materials: whost surface can reduce the vertical rigidity.The basic dinension of the shock absorber cushion is 84x84x20(mm).The load range covers from 0.2~6KN.It needs no isolation walls.To improve shock absorption effect, multi-layer. isolation cushion should be used.Sepa-rate, layers can be separated by metal sheet(3mm). The total rigidity of n layers of cushion are 1/n that of a single layer.When the isolated object is relatively lighter, you can cut it into 2 pieces.The rigidity is 1/2 that of the original one. The separated isolating cushion can also be used in series.


了解该产品详细参数请查看:【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫

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