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简介:【耐磨】如何让砂浆管道中耐磨橡胶接头更耐磨 Wear-resistant rubber joint in mortar pipeline is more wear-resistant 上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:【耐磨】如何让砂浆管道中耐磨橡胶接......

Wear-resistant rubber joint in mortar pipeline is more wear-resistant

The official website of Shanghai Songjiang Shock Absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you: [Wear-resistant] Wear-resistant rubber joints in mortar pipelines are more wear-resistant information. Songjiang Group is a matching wear-resistant rubber joints for many mines. The test proves that the wear-resistant rubber joints are very wear-resistant. Our factory promises to guarantee quality for one year.



Wear-resistant rubber joint uses spheroidal graphite flange, natural rubber, carbon steel wear-resistant layer on the inner wall, rubber part plays the role of shock absorption and noise reduction, carbon steel wear-resistant layer plays the role of direct contact with sand and stone, plays the role of wear resistance. This design not only solves the effect of shock absorption and displacement, but also solves the problem of wear resistance. Sandstone yard is adopted.


Introduction of Songjiang group




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